优诺公司成立于1999年,是集产品研发、生产、销售和技术服务为一体的电子焊接材料和全面解决方案的供应商。 Founded in 1999, EUNOW is a electronic material products and total solutions provider which concentrating on product R&D, production, sale and technical services. 公司严格执行ISO9000和ISO14000标准,建立了一套完整的品质及环境管理体系;**业中,拥有国内**家完整的ROHS实验室,并作为电子焊接材料行业**者,广泛赢得中外客户的信赖! EUNOW established complete ISO9000 and ISO14000 quality and environmental management systems and strictly enforced. EUNOW is the first soldering material supplier in mainland setting up RoHS lab to control the HSF (Hazardous Substances Free). Thanking to his superior product qualities and services, EUNOW becomes a leading soldering material provider in the world and is tr..